Well the last few weeks have been very busy. School ended with a bang. Everyone had to move stuff around last minute due to our portables being moved. I also applied to about 6 jobs for Computer Instructional Technologist at my District. This person is basically the techie on campus to help teacher intergrate technology. I have heard NOTHING about interviews. I am little bummed.
I went to a workshop and a person there from a campus I applied at was there and made some nasty comments about needing a person who is more adept than I was for thier campus after I said I had applied at her campus. Talk about being a tech snob. She didn't know anything about me and said this. I am glad I didn't get an interview there needless to say.
I have a new kit coming out today called Iced Cocoa. I also decided to track how many people were downloading my stuff.
Well that's it for now!